
Thursday, December 9, 2010

1948 pattern for smartness

YouTube - Pattern for Smartness 1948 - dress-making & fashion show (1)


These are two of my favorite sewing videos, they were  for me the jump start I needed for going into vintage sewing. Some of the dresses are just so pretty and ladylike. Someday I hope to sew some of these beautiful thing. Have a happy, beautiful vintage day! Enjoy!


  1. So much fun, thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes, it's so cute, I did learn from watching it some important sewing tips.

  3. Hi Vintage Girl! I really love it...and it really inspires! Thanks for sharing!
    Isn´t it funny, at the end of the second clip they say: it´s new fashion to look oldfashioned?! I love your "oldfashioned" fashion - I myself sew more 60´s - it is more comfy!
    Greetings from Germany

  4. Greeting to you too, the 60's have some great clothes and patterns, love that time period too! Been to Germany back in 2008 loved it, lucky you!
