
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

vintage sewing finds!

Over the years, my sewing room has become pretty full with sewing notions and such. So, I try to buy just what I need and maybe a few deals from time to time. Well, I just bumped into these vintage patterns at the antique mall. I was browsing around, when I came to a booth just as the owner was bring in this box of patterns. He said he won them at an auction and would sell them all for 25.00 dollars.  As I looked through the box, I was delighted to find several great patterns and in a size 34 bust which is my size. I couldn't resist the price at about 25 cents a piece. I won't be keeping all of them. Later in the year, I am planning a give away and maybe some will hit eBay at a very low price, just passing on the love you know. I do find a lot of great tools for sewing at the antique malls, sometimes at great prices. Although, I have learned to steer away for buying old thread. I don't know if you have had any problems but I have. I bought some a while back and found it had deteriorated some. The fibers were not strong enough for my machine and the thread kept breaking every few stitches. I talked with some other sewers about this and they concurred, that old thread can be on the risky side for reliability. So for now, I won't buy old thread. Belt fasteners are getting harder to find where I live. Sometimes you find a whole lot, other times one and at a very high price. I have started to collect them too, as they pop up. Buttons are easy to find at the antique malls. I love them, especially all the colors they come in. Here are a few I have collected as well as some collars and cuffs that I hope will soon be part of a new outfit. The collars are more rare, in my experience to find, but sure are pretty. I hope you enjoy these pictures, unfortunately, these kinds of sewing notions are fading from our modern day society, although we will still have buttons, to me, they just don't have the texture, weight and color of the past. Vintage patterns are hard to find at the stores around here but in abundance on eBay. I feel patterns are easily discarded because they are "just paper", a friend of mine, cleaned out her family's house and threw a bunch away, not knowing the value of them. So, get them as you can and enjoy.
 Have a happy vintage day,

I hope to use these through out this year!

I love the peach colored ones the best.


  1. What an amazing find! You will make some wonderful things from these patterns. Love your other bits and bobs too. Those tan buttons with the flowers on are delightful - I know what you mean about modern buttons not having much weight. Perhaps you could use one of the buckles as a scarf ring?

  2. Wow - so jealous of your vintage pattern haul!!!! Every one I can see in the picture looks lovely! You had better get cracking with that sewing, lol! :)

  3. Oh my - I am SO jealous right now! Those patterns look fabulous and what a great price! Already looking forward to a future giveaway ;o)

  4. Good idea about the scarf ring, will be trying that for sure. I felt very fortunate that day, sometimes you find what your looking for. I'll be having a giveaway, some of the patterns I bought has a copy. Must have been from a seamstress who sewed for many people. Thanks for your comments!

  5. oh those buttons are beautiful! and the lace too!

  6. Hi Gina! I just saw your post in Sew Retro, I was feeling like you, I thought I was the only crazy who love vintage fashion, thenI discovered many many like me.
    I envy you found those patterns and at that price!!! I almost want to cry to see all those patterns!! I am mexican, and it has been practically imposible to find them here.

  7. I am having a give away soon, maybe you will get one or two. Wow, do people not sew much in Mexico? I wonder why you don't have much vintage patterns there? Do you find vintage clothes much? Lizzy keep up with the vintage fashions they really are beautiful!

  8. Wow! I found a box at a local thrift store that held about 250 and I bought it for $25, but the bulk of mine were from the seventies- what an amazing find yours was! I also love your notions.
