
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stylish blogger Award

Thank you Marie from Welcome to Marie's Place  for the honoring me with this blog award. Most days I feel unstylish ( which is not a word in the dictionary) with the blog and myself. Wearing vintage, sometimes I get "the look", you know the one that says "I don't know what you are wearing and I am not sure if I like it, I might, let me think about this", have you seen that puzzling look on people's faces when you wear vintage?  Or, I love this from the older crowd, "I KNOW what you are wearing, oh, I remember having a coat like that, those were the good old days." Either way I don't mind being lost in time with you all. Okay, now I am suppose to blog 7 things about myself. Well...this is always hard, here goes.

This is one of the vintage looks, wool blouse, pin and hair fashioned in the 40's.

1. I have a wonderful hubby who has a big heart and two boys who are ornery to the core, they are 9 and 12. My house is crazy most of the time! Love it!

2. In my early twenties, I worked on a cruise ship as a dining room stewardess. Basically a waitress, but I had a lot of fun, traveling all over the open seas.

3.  I am a bit of an emotional eater, I have to watch my weight or it gets out of hand! I need to banish all chocolates from my house but I don't, we try to live in harmony with each other!

4. I have been in many musicals, plays and dramas, both as a director and in the cast. This picture is from the Music Man.
I would have loved to keep this outfit, just for fun. 

5. Love antiques and whenever I go into an antiques store, I feel my blood pressure drop and a feeling of calm sweeps over me. I don't know why, strange, I know.

6. I am an ordained Minster of Music, which means I can officiate weddings.  It has been my honor to marry couples over the years. I always get a little teary eyed during a ceremony. Along with this degree, I have conducted many church and community choirs and have enjoyed it a lot. Currently, I am focusing my heart towards my family and am able to be at home with them.

7. I love going camping with my family and friends, I wear a vintage apron and skirts all week, family members call me the Donna Reed of camping. I don't wear heels though! LOL

Donna_Reed_Show_02.JPG (707×480)

Well, that's it, that wasn't so bad. Anyway, a big shout out to Marie for this award. Check out Marie's blog

I am going to give this award to anyone reading this who has a blog they love and pour themselves into, please take it, I couldn't even begin to choose from the wonderful blogs I read, I say share the love and pass it on.

Next post will be a give away, so get ready!



  1. Congratulations Gina!

    I remember "The Music Man" was a lot of fun to watch and to be part of.

    Sharing a bit of ourselves is always is a joy to meet You!


  2. Congrats on the award! I think it is awesome that you camp with an apron and skirts — I love it! And your dress is coming along fantastically! I just prepped my fabric and am finishing up my second muslin :)

  3. You can officiate weddings !!!!! That sounds fun! I found your blog today and I am delighted to meet you and your adventures.

  4. Gee, thanks, Maria, it's a joy to meet you too! Maggie, thanks so much, I was thinking yesterday, I don't know anyone who is making a bow tie, how cool is that, and creative. Rosy, yes, I marry couples, it is a lot of fun. I just looked at your blog. WOW, you can sew!!! Love the navy and white dress. I wanted to follow you but couldn't get the button to work, will visit you frequently.

  5. It was fun to read all of those wonderful things about you! Clearly your array of talents span many areas of interest. Congrats on the award :)

  6. Just like you, I'm also an emotional eater. But, I guess eating chocolates once in a while is definitely okay. By the way, I love your shot where you were wearing a wool blouse. I love the way you styled your hair in that photo. I also love your hair color. You're definitely an inspiration! :)

  7. Thank you, my hair color is natural. I have just started to wash out some gray only in the front. I have chocolate everyday, just one piece! Thanks for your kind comments.

  8. Loved learning more about you. You are a very interesting person. I have a strong addiction for chocolate. I wear an apron every day and skirts most days.

    I have breaking news coming out on my sewing blog on Monday.
