
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tilly's project and Portia's Draft Along

This is how I wear my hair when I am sewing and getting down to business, smile included!
This week I have decided to participate in two different "alongs". The first one is a draft along with Miss. P.   Fitting the body is intriguing to me.  I am hoping to tackle a few more fit issues with Portia.  I am very excited about drafting a sloper with the option of adding various necklines to the base sloper.  If you have ever tried drafting a pattern, as I have, you know that it can be time consuming, sometimes yielding little positive results.  So I am putting my hair back and getting ready to dig into another bolt of muslin. Wish me luck!

  Also this week, I signed up over at Tilly and the Buttons to chart my sewing productivity.  I love to learn from others what works for them.  I am looking forward to reading the participants thoughts and tips to better utilize their sewing time.  I will be starting today and for one week I am writing it all down! Then next week I will be posting on the results of this process.

And now I 'll leave you with some eye candy from my travels. Patterns, and for 25 cents a piece. They are old and a bit tattered but a great deal.

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. Ack! I forgot I meant to do the sewing productivity project too.. I should probably figure out how to track this stuff soon. It just feels so crazy to try to fit one more thing in. (Which reminds me... I should be getting ready for a family event tomorrow.)

    I'll be looking forward to hearing from you on your progress with these two "alongs".

  2. Those are such great pattern finds! Good luck with your sloper. :]

  3. Seeks, I understand what you mean by one more thing. I had an interesting day thinking about what I need, want, should do. Tilly's exercise was an eye opener today. Good luck, hope it slows down for you.

  4. Ooo, some great patterns. jealous!!

  5. Some brilliant patterns there - I can't wait to see what you make with them. I'm going over to find out more about your 'alongs'. Oh, I love your hair and gorgeous smile in the picture - you look about 12 years old :)

  6. What amazing pattern finds!!! Even if they're a bit "loved", you can't pass up the deal! ;)

    ♥ Casey
