
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First closing the gaps project complete!

This skirt has been hanging in my closet for about 5 years without much to match it.  I am so excited because today it has a mate. I am proud to announce the new couple. This was not the original pattern that was earmarked for making a match for this skirt. I changed my mind after sewing up some muslins from varies blouse patterns.  I liked this Chinese style shirt the best for this skirt.  I have really enjoyed this pattern. The pattern calls for a snap closure, but I added vintage buttons instead. Adding buttonholes on stretch fabric was tricky, thanks Casey for suggesting interfacing, it worked.  Anyway one down! We are getting closer to fewer gaps. How is everything going for you today?

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. Its lovely, and they look great together! :)
    Ashley x

  2. An absolutely perfect match! I love the pink being the link between the skirt and the top. I especially like that you didn't chose white for the top-colour! ;)

  3. It looks lovely, what a great pair they make. :)

    You garments look so professional and tailored, too.

  4. Beautfiul!!! I'm so glad that the tip on interfacing the buttonhole area work for you--they look amazing! :)

    ♥ Casey

  5. Everything goes really nicely together. Very pretty. And I love pink.

  6. How cute! I'm waiting for a pattern I ordered to come in so I can get cracking!

  7. Just perfect! and all fits so nice! I like the buttons on the top!

  8. What a lovely top! And looks very well made, piping is a bit of a nightmare but yours looks very neat! xx

  9. Oh gosh this just blows me away it's so perfect. I love the way you do up the entire look too with your hair matching the outfit so well for the photo. This bright pink with the trim is so stunning and to top it off this style looks really good on you. Seems to me the closure this time is on the opposite side than the other blouse.

  10. Good call Nan, It's on the opposite because I cut the fabric that way. I couldn't decide what side I wanted to use and ended up using the right side of the fabric. Thanks for your sweet comments. We are getting there.

  11. It looks fantastic!! Well done! :)

  12. I'm totally jealous! I love that top with its striking color, the piping and the vintage buttons. Fantastic.

  13. I love your choice! Especially the contrasting trims - great outfit!

  14. Those colors are beautiful. Fantastic ensemble.

  15. It looks fantastic, great work. I love the chinese inspired blouse. What pattern did you use?

  16. all you garments are so perfectly made down the every little detail! btw do you use an overlocker?

  17. Amazing to think the skirt and top didn't come together, they look perfect!

  18. Gorgeous! You have inspired me to close some gaps in my own closet! I started yesterday with a clear out of stuff that was too old and well loved, off to charity or rag trade, and made a pile for refasioning. Now I can get on to filling up the gaps!
    Love the fabric of the top, it looks very comfy and smart.

  19. What a great match! You look lovely!

  20. Go Gina! Your wardrobe is going to be all happy little couples in no time :)

  21. Fun! What pattern do you use for the shirt? I am considering looking for one, as I love that style.

  22. This blouse is perfect for such a lovely skirt! Pink looks really good on you and I love how the white piping ties the two pieces together. The flower in your hair is a great summer touch :)

  23. DaneMum- good call, you are right this skirt does not look good with white. I've tried it before and it does nothing for it.

    Casey- Thanks for everything!

    Seeks & Suzy- this pattern is on my blog, It's Simplicity 5098. I would size up just a little.

    Thanks to everyone who commented. I appreciate your feedback!

    Sofia- Yes, I use a overlocker/serger, I am very, very, particular about the inside of my garments. They have to look good/clean on the inside. I even clip all threads as I go.

    Reana Louise- LOL too funny.! Thanks your comment is too cute.

    Adele- Good luck, isn't it surprises how you feel getting things in order and cleared out, like a burden lifted Good job!

  24. Gina,

    Now, that's what I call one snappy little outfit! I simply adore the flower pattern on your skirt, and the red blouse with the vintage buttons is great!

    You really do have a knack for coordinating your sewing outfits. I think that you need to go into fashion design "on the side." :)


    -L. Rose

  25. The top looks great, I especially like the piping and the buttons, well done! And such an interesting project you've got going, definitely something worth doing in my own closet too...

  26. This is gorgeous - I love the colour and texture of that fabric, and once again there's your signature piping which you make look very easy. So pretty with the flower in your hair - you look wonderful! xxx

  27. Hey! I've just passed on an award to you :)

    Just now I saw you've already got one of these, well, now you've got two ;)

  28. Gina,

    You look lovely dear friend!

    What a pretty detail on the blouse. The piping looks so nice.

    Mrs. M.

  29. Gina this is beautiful. You look gorgeous in these cheery colours. Reflects your personality!

  30. Absolutely FABULOUS! I love it so much!!!

  31. What a great blouse and the whole outfit has the air of a 40's vacation in Japan or Hawaii. Was that a vintage pattern? I'm getting close on finishing my 40's housedress.

  32. Gina, you have done a great job of matching a top to your lovely skirt.
    I LOVE that neckline!!
    A very pretty and well-made blouse indeed :-)
    How talented you are, m'lady!

  33. How beautiful!! Love the color, love the love the combination pattern and oriental - floral. I will begin this afternoon with my "single"and this will in my next post.

  34. Gina, congratulations with the first gap-filling :) it's so chinese-japanese (can't pick one) set! They go together perfectly!
    I'm still with my little black dress. Fiddling with zipper...
    Happy easy next one!

  35. I'm seriously in love with your style...

  36. This outfit is adorable! I always love tops that have those little Mandarin collars.
