This week I haven't been sewing due to my schedule and am feeling a bit off centered. Do you ever feel that way when your schedule is changed drastically? It began as life heated up this week, in more than one way. So, some shorts were in order for MMJune. I set out to make a pair with a good pattern in hand. Hours later, less than perfect results, I put them away for this week. As you can see here, the pink pair has the zipper bugging out to the side.

The green pair came together okay, but has a funny drag line that doesn't make any sense to me. So there you have it, my less than perfect, unfinished projects. I am not going to call them failures, because they aren't. Everything I am sewing, I am learning from. Even if the mystery is unsolved for now, there will come a day when understanding will come. Until then, it's back to the drawing board for this vintage girl. There is a Kenny Rogers song called the
Gambler. No, I am not a fan of his, but for years I have sang these words with a totally different meaning to them. Yes, it silly, but many times these few words have been helpful to me. They goes like this, "You got to know when to hold em', know when to fold em', know when to walk away, know when to run". Sometimes I sing this little song to myself when I am making decisions that require me to have discernment. This week it was good to "walk away", knowing I wasn't going to "fold em" completely. Why? Because in the end, I want to make good fitting shorts, I also want to push myself passed the pain of perceived failure. If I "fold", then nothing will be gained in knowledge, and I will be stuck with buying shorts. Certainly, there are times to "fold", you know when something is going backwards and will never go forward to a pleasing result. And honey, sometimes you need to run away from a fabric or pattern that will not work for you. Other times, it's time to hold on, wait, be patient with the process. It's in these times that we learn a lot. What projects do you need to hold, fold, walk away or run from? Until next time friends.
Have a great Vintage day!
Hehehe, that was the very song I started singing when I read your title!
ReplyDeleteAnd that is a shame on the shorts. I managed to make a nice 1940's pleated pair at the start of the week. It has a pocket at the fastening which doesn't sit quite right- but I am pretty sure I will fix it when I redo my button (I have to replace it). I didn't mind, I wore them anyway- it has just been too hot here in central VA to wear thicker clothing ;)
Shorts are my nemesis until I came across Butterick 7762. They are the easiest, best-fitting, most comfortable pair of shorts I own!
For sale on Etsy:[]=tags&includes[]=title&includes[]=materials&min=&max=&ship_to=none&order=date_desc&view_type=gallery
Thank you Sarah! You are the best!
ReplyDeleteI agree not a failure, I am working on the same shirred top I was a few weeks ago LOL. Just a bit short on time for sewing right now since its canning season. Never the less I have taken it apart. I have reworked a area. I have redone the ruffle. But mostly I have learned soooooo much its not even funny! So the next time I make this top and there will be a next time, I will know going in what is what. I also know after sewing with this elastic thread a few tricks that I didn't before! You have a very good attitude!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Sarah solved your problem there with her pattern comment above. I hope. I rarely ever make pants for this very reason. They are just very difficult to fit and I DON"T have the patience for it. I have enough trouble with my broad shoulder area in the back. Every new pattern must be checked if I can move my arms forward!! Here in Alaska we don't really have use for shorts so I just buy all my pants.
ReplyDeleteI liked how you applied the Kenny Rogers song to your own life situation (in this case, sewing). Actually, this line of lyric in the song could be applied to almost ANYTHING in our lives, because we might find ourselves, holding, folding, walking, or running to and from ANYTHING at ANY given moment. Good thoughts!
Now, onto your shorts. I wouldn't call them failures either. Actually, because I can't sew, I couldn't even really see the "faulty areas." I like the pink shorts with the pink blouse and shoes the best. You really know how to match your clothes together nicely. I need you as a fashion consultant, ha! :)
BTW, you look all slim and trim in your outfits. What diet plan are you using? I can only dream of getting into a pair of shorts as small as yours. :)
-L. Rose
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ReplyDeleteVintage Girl said...
ReplyDeleteLady Rose you are too sweet. The Kenny Rogers song is a song that God has used in my life over and over again. That little tune has pointed me in the right way over many areas of my life, funny I know.
Diet, well, I am up about 7 pounds right now since spring, mostly chocolate. Really, this last year I have been eating healthier and smaller portions, I was eating too much and find I really don't need a lot of food. Right now I am considering Weight watchers. Although I have to be honest weight has been a battle, but I am just finding just living and thinking about food choices helps. Also stopping eat at night is a good thing. Also I am not losing weight for anything other than my health and fitting into my clothing.
I really enjoy the different shapes of people. My aunt Ellen is a very large lady who has fought a miserable battle against her own genes. I love her the way she is, to me she is beautiful. Not every should be a size 0 or 8. Beauty is much broader than we think.
Dear Gina,
ReplyDeleteAs a fellow sewer, I see what you see, but I also know that you can wear them with a nice top and learn from them as you said.
About the weight, it is such an issue with me also. I am in the process of loosing the weight that seems to cling.
I do not weigh myself because it just adds a great deal of stress to my life, but I am exercising daily...and yes, I am seeing results.
By the way, I do like that song...I remember when it came out.
Boy do I feel old ;-D
I think we are all over critical of the clothes we sew compared to the clothes we buy. I recently looked at my favouritest RTW summer dress as I was considering copying it and I realised that it doesn't actually fit all that well, there is not enough width in the bust so the side seam isn't vertical at the bust and the back neck gapes! I never noticed those things before and I doubt anyone else has but now I know a little about clothes and fit I realise its not up to scratch! Therefore if I ever get round to copying this dress then I know it will be better than the original. Me Made Clothes are little reminders to ourselves of all the little imperfections but I guess as in life we should remove the major imperfections and embrace the minor! Wow that was deep....
ReplyDeleteYes, they're not failures! Although sometimes it does seem like it! You're a really talented sewist and I'm sure you'll figure out how to make them work (:
ReplyDeleteDefinitely not a failure! Anything that gets you one step closer is good, right? I love the fabric for your top, did you make it?
ReplyDeleteAngie, yes I did make my top, it's cotton. I really enjoying it. It's posted here.