
Monday, September 12, 2011

40's dress

I often come out to our pond to think, it's full of huge fish!

No, I didn't make this one. I bought it a while back at our local antique store.  I fell in love with it. My dream was to wear this dress some summer evening while on a date with my husband. Sadly, I never did, so I thought before packing it up for the fall I would get a few pictures.  This little white dress has a metal zipper and shell buttons. For it's age it's in great condition, I am guessing it's 40's or 50's. I don't have any plans to change it at all. I can't get myself to even shorten it. Someday, I hope to pass this dress on to another in the best condition possible! Until then, I will wear it gently. Do you wear your vintage clothing or keep it for admiring?

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. This dress definitely deserves at date with the hubby! You will have to makes sure to wear it next summer.

  2. Beautiful! No sewing yet Gina?
    I have planned my afternoon home so I can get to work on that lining in the red gaberdine dress I'm making. Been too busy over the weekend with other things to sew. I found some navy dupioni silk on Ebay I'm anxious for!! Take Care Nan

  3. I have a white cotton blouse that belonged to my grandmother! When I was young I always asked can I borrow this. We would go church and I would wear this little white cotton blouse. I just loved it. It has several folds/pleats down each front and a round color with fine little cotton lace sewn in the edge. 3/4 length sleeves with the same lace on the cuffs. My Grandma who raised me was a tiny little women is why I could wear her clothes when I was young :O). I have this blouse to this day at 46 yrs of age. I don't wear it for fear of something happening to it. But I will always have this blouse :O).

    I say you keep that dress out and wear a cute little cardigan with it on a date with your DH!!

  4. I want to try to make a version of your vintage dress. It is really lovely!

  5. Oh! That dress is a dream! It's simply beautiful. I think a dress like that has to be worn and enjoyed -with care : ) It's lovely on you!

  6. The dress is beautiful, and it suits you so well. Too bad it didn't make it out for date night with the hubby this summer, hopefully next summer. I believe that vintage items are meant to be appreciated, cherished and worn.

  7. Lovely dress Gina! Everything about it is flattering to you.

  8. What a lovely dress, although I am always afraid of wearing light colors for fear of getting them dirty.

    BTW, I like the pond by your house. It looks so quiet and peaceful.

  9. OMG! That is the most divine dress ever! I am in love. You are such a lucky girl to own it.

  10. You're in it! I LOVE the shoulders and sleeves. That's one of my favorite styles! Imagine your hubby's wishin' he was out on a date with you in that, too!

  11. There is something so elegant about a simple, white vintage dress! :) It looks lovely on you--I'm glad you got to wear it and model it for the blog before it got packed away for next year! :) Now I'm kicking myself for not making a white dress as I had planned to this summer... hehe!

  12. Super cute dress! A wonderful pick for you. :)

    I prefer to wear my vintage clothes, but I have to figure out how to care for and mend them best. I had to set aside my favorite dress because of the cotton finally wearing too thin and ripping. :(

  13. Hi, new follower!

    That dress is just beautiful, and it looks lovely on you. I wouldn't have the courage to wear it, though, because I always spill something on my clothes if I wear white!

  14. What a gorgeous dress! :o) Hope you are able to use it one day on a date ;o)

  15. Absolutely brilliant! This dress is so beautiful that it really needs a special occasion to wear with your hubby! Love it!

  16. hey- you are a good seamstress and you wear your clothes well. Nice to find your blog... I have to fix my serger- it's 60.00 or more, so I haven't took it in yet. I love 40's and 50's style and I see old movies just to see the dresses and hats! I'm Elizabeth- The Elizabethian Tea on wordpress.

  17. I love to see vintage dresses being worn! Lovely on you and very romantic!
