
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Surprise Vacation, Me-Made May 2012

Last Friday my husband called at 3:00 in the afternoon saying "Darling, would you like to go to Florida for vacation? Can you be packed in a couple of hours?" "Sure sweets, no problem," I replied as I hung up the phone and panicked. Thank God I have a handy travel list ready to be printed up for such emergencies. After an 18 hour drive with two active boys we made it to Florida and have been enjoying a much needed spring vacation.  So far, we have made it to Legoland, went on an airboat ride to see the alegrators and I took a trip to The Sewing Studio to buy fabric. It was a great week in the sun. We are back now and I am doing my best to catch up on things.

I have to be honest because of this unexpected trip I feel a bit derailed from my challenge to wear and sew all my spring clothing. I have been wearing something I've made everyday, but I have been away from my sewing machine too long. Since coming home, I am more excited now about making and wearing my handmade clothing. I haven't been able to get many photos for this self challenge yet, but was able to get a photo one day as the boys and I went antique shopping. I made both the skirt and blouse last year and finished the outfit off with a thrifted sweater.
I recently got a haircut, I asked for a vintage long middy cut, I don't think she understood because it looks pretty much like a modern hair do. 
Last but not least,  I signed up for Zoe's Me-Made May 2012. I love the idea of joining others in this adventure. Last year I joined in and thought I would sew as I go, but found it hard because I didn't have much clothing to wear and couldn't keep up with laundry. I am better prepared this year and am embracing the challenge fully. Hooray! 'I, Regina from Vintagegirl, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavor to wear at least one handmade/refashioned garments each day for the duration of May 2012'. Okay that's done!

I hope to be back with a new outfit soon! Happy Spring!



  1. The middy looks actually rather modern when unstyled. If you've got layers and longer in the back/shorter in the front, then it should work well for 40s styles.

  2. Oooh, me too, me too!! I was recently in Florida to spend Easter with my IL's and take the new baby for his first beach outing AND I signed up for Me Made May.

    Good luck!

  3. Well that is a nice surprise :)
    I am debating whether to join in on Me Made May too...

  4. Congradulations on the unexpected spring vaccation.How nice!!! [and how nice, you didnt have time to stress about getting everything]
    Can't wait to see the fabrics you bought and what beautiful things you will make with it..Happy sewing.

  5. Oh fabric superstore, I bet it was amazing! What a lovely man of yours to do a spur of the moment vacation! I'd love to do the me made May but as I'm now starting the busiest time of the year at work I think it would be too much but good luck!

  6. Oh wow, I love the idea of a surprise holiday...sounds wonderful! And we'd love to see what you bought from the fabric superstore please ;o)

    I'm also joining in with Me Made May for the first time ever!

  7. You are one lucky girl to get a surprise like that. I'm glad you had a wonderful time. Good for you for participating with Me-Made-May. I've thought about it, though I really don't have enough to make it work, I still may try though.

  8. How fun for all of you. I recognize that blouse material, looks good on you.

  9. Oh! How cool- a snap vacation! I don't know if I'd have the braincells to be able to pack up like that... :) Well done you.

    I'm doing MMM2012, too! I'm really really excited about this year, I think Zoe's right that doing it once a year makes it more "special."

  10. I'm glad you enjoyed your spur-of-the-moment vacation. I live here in Florida, so I know what a good time of the year you came weather wise.

    Where is the Sewing Studio located? I would definitely like to visit it.

    1. Nancy it's at 9605 S. Highway 17-92 Maitland, Florida They had a good amount of fabrics, not a huge store but really nice fabrics at good prices, have fun!

  11. thanks for following - i follow right back :)

  12. I will be participating in Me Made May too and look forward to it. A vacation is always a good excuse for a sewing break! Glad you had a great time.
