
Friday, February 25, 2011

Coats! Baby, it's cold outside

Winter has been hanging around my door for months and won't go away, but no bother, I have my vintage coats to keep me warm. Today, we woke up to snow again, but I am thankful spring is on its way. For me, there has been a long time love and fascination with vintage coats and hats. And yes, I wear them out everyday. Before I tuck these away, I thought I would share a few pictures of some vintage coats I have collected over the years. If you are like me, you prefer a variety of coats over one expensive coat to wear all winter. I only paid about 10 dollars a piece for them. I also love hats, one thing that puzzles me about hats, is that whenever I wear a hat out, men always comment on them. They love my hats, they open doors and treat me with kindness. It's really strange, my husband even notices this behavior. I am very shy about this, so I sometimes rather hide away but don't want to give up wearing hats. I love too, that 90% of our body heat comes out from our heads and a simple hat in winter can really keep you warm up and I might add, be rather fashionable, on those cold winter days. So, for now these sweet coats are about to go into my wardrobe until October comes again and I rediscover the simple joy of wearing them.

Have a wonderful Vintage Day!

This is my casual coat, it's a darker green than it's showing up.

I have a brown hat I wear with this one


  1. Wow! Lovely coats!
    Since I only have a red puffy jacket...I'm thinking I should make a Lady Grey coat for next winter. :)

  2. You always look so lovely! My favorite coat is the one with the fur collar, it reminds me of something my baba (grandma) wore. (And I'm with you on the snow, we had some this morning as well - so looking forward to some warmer weather!)

  3. I love all of your coats - the last one is especially pretty!
    I have a brown wool coat for every day and a dark gray wool pea coat for dressy days. I love them. They keep me nice and warm and have a classic look.

  4. I have to tell you I bought two more coats tonight at the thrift, a bright red coat with a fur collar and a deep blue with glass buttons, I need to stop now! Thanks for your comments, I am truly thankful for the encouraging words. No more coats for a while! HEHE

  5. Mia, yes a lady Gray coat would be so wonderful, I hope you make one! Eva girl there is nothing so pretty as the classic look, enjoy your coats! Annabelle, the fur collar reminds me too of my Grandma Minnie, I draw a lot of inspiration from her. Thanks for your sweet comments!

  6. I have a vintage coat collection that is busting at the seams! Glad you do too!

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Super cute necklace giveaway!

  7. All gorgeous!! I love the grey one with the fur collar, and the red too, actually I like them all! I purchased some red fabric recently for a coat and can't wait to make it up!

  8. Vintage Girl,

    You are such a sylish young lady. I LOVE it! :)

    Every one of these coats is simply gorgeous! My favorites are the brown coat (brown is my favorite color), the green coat, and the last coat (is it black?). I can't believe that you ony paid $10.00 a piece for these beautiful coats!

    -Lady Rose

  9. Lady Rose, I love the brown too, the last coat is a black velvet. Some of these coats were only 5.00 dollars. I go to the best thrift store that has 1/2 sales and buy them. My mother in law gave me 100.00 for Christmas and I buy coats. Thanks for the comments, you are so kind. Sherry, I am sure your red coat will be perfect, you are one of the finest seamstress I know of.

  10. Hello! your coats are a delight! They certainly add a certain panache to your wardrobe :-)

    My favorite...I must say the green one. It is made from boiled wool isn't it?

    Thank you for have certainly inspired me to try my hand at sewing such beauties.

    Blessings in His name,


  11. Wow, quite a collection you've got there! I'm starting to feel better about my desire for more coats (I already have about 5) Enjoy the rest of winter!

  12. Kitten, a girl just needs coats, I know it's hard to stop. Maria, I know the what kind of wool this coat is, I do it's wool. There are no tags in this coat, it looks very old on the inside. Wow, you are going to try to sew a coat, I am not there yet, I am sure you will sew a good one.

  13. I love your coats! They look great!

  14. I appreciated your photos on vintage coats and hats. While I posses a somewhat large collection of hats, coats is something I don't have very much of. :p I have one overly warm winter wool coat - that's for the bitter midwestern winters; and I have a green plaid Billabong for lighter weather. My hats - I wear with either! :) I really really loved your collection!

  15. I love it when young women take to vintage clothing. I agree things today are just missing style. I found your blog by way of Casey as I'm trying to make a swing dress myself. I really need to get with the program and finish mine. Your red dress has inspired me to get a move on and drop the other projects I have going.

  16. Oh Nan, you are so kind. I hope you get your dress done, I'll be looking for it. I am on my second dress now. It looks better to me than my first one. It's yellow!

  17. Oh goodness me! I can't believe I haven't "found" you yet! We are kindred spirits to say the least! ;o) I LOVE vintage coats...LOVE them! I found a leather one for .50 cents! I will have to start showing off my vintage fun finds! ;o) Love all your coats they are wonderful! Touches of grace aren't they? ;o)

  18. Nabila Grace, Wow! leather 50 cents, that's great! There are a few of us vintage girls out there. I hear you, I hope you do share your vintage finds, would love to see your collections!
