
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vintage blouse and a dead camera! Oh my!

These were the last pictures that my camera took before taking it's final blow. I dropped it today, after giving my son a lecture about using the safety strap. LOL I needed to take my own advice. I guess we will be shopping for a camera tonight. I think it's funny that I look like I could be going to a funeral, I am glad it was my camera that died and nothing else. Anyway, I thought I would post the last few pictures my camera took, this post was also going to include a couple of vintage coats I found this past weekend, but that will have to wait until we get a new camera. So this is a half post. I didn't want to leave you hanging for days and it may take me a bit to get the new camera up and running. Remember, I am a vintage girl and that means I don't do a lot in the way of technology. I rather sew, than learn how to operate my T.V., computer or in this case, a camera! Anyway, I wanted to show you this blouse, it's very old, the tag looks like something from the 40's/50's. I am fascinated with yoke front blouses right now. My plan is to make a 1940's black suit to go with this blouse. The pin in the picture is from the thrift and the hat I bought back in the 90's, but don't remember much more than that.

 This week I have been working on sewing my Easter dress and finishing my second swing dress. I am crossing my fingers with finding a camera today and I hope to post soon about the second swing dress. I can't believe I made two of them!  How is yours coming along? Until later vintage friends.

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. LOL at you dressed up for your camera's funeral! I love that blouse! I hope you get a new camera soon - I can't wait to see your latest dresses. :)

  2. I need to get really moving on sewing...I pray that you find the camera that best suits your needs :-)


  3. Sorry to hear about your camera! I hope you find a new one soon that suits you and has a nice warranty, just in case. :)

  4. I can't believe you made two dresses either! hehe! You're a sewing whiz! Love the blouse that you pictured too--the collar area is so neatly done.

    Here's hoping you can get your camera replaced soon! :)

    ♥ Casey

  5. Oh what a fun shirt! ;o) I just went and did some thrifting this afternoon and found some super delicious vintage patterns! ;o) And a few fun finds! ;o) I'll have to do a post on them soon! ;o) Hope you get a camera soon! I wanna see the other coats! ;o)

  6. Hope you can get your camera replaced soon so we can see the second dress. I'm struggling a bit with getting the sleeve ease pucker free on mine, but the rest of it is going smoothly. Think I'll be finished soon... if "life" doesn't get in the way!

  7. Mrs. Exeter, it did feel like a funeral lol. Oh, I wanted to tell you I choose red for the swing dress because I liked Casey's and your red dress. Glad you found me again. Maria & Mia we found a camera on Amazon it's coming Friday! Casey, what can I say, I had the inspiration of the best instructor, so glad you did this sew along. Nabila Grace I am following you and can't wait to see the goodies! Thrifting is s blast when you find vintage stuff!

  8. Hey Sweets, If you want, we can bury the camera out back in our pet cemetery if you feel the need to visit it every once in a while ;). New one's on its way!
