
Saturday, March 12, 2011

50's fun dress and side kick!

This was just a fun project for me. I am happy with this dress. It is so comfortable and easy to wear. As I was sewing her up I kept singing "Earth Angle" a song that reminds me of the 50's. I did go over the top with the matching handbag, what's a girl to do with all the extra fabric? My plan has been to line my handbags with the extra fabric from my dresses so when I am out I have a matched set. It's kinda fun opening a purse trimmed out in your dress fabric. The detail stitching on this dress is one of my favorite parts. I also loved that I lined the skirt so no extra slip is needed.

Have a wonderful Vintage Day!



  1. It looks very, very nice Gina :-) Especially the handbag having the same fabric...very nice indeed!


  2. Pink! Handbag lining to match dress! Pretty stitching! Happy Hens! Lovely wallpaper! Cute shoes! You are such a wonderful stylist :) These pictures are so gorgeous and your dress is really original and clever! Good job!

  3. Vintage Girl,

    Okay Fashion Model Gal, this outfit is TOO cute, and you look GREAT in it! :) I love the fact that you placed matching fabric inside your purse to match your dress. I would have NEVER thought of doing that.

    Well, I'm looking forward to seeing your next project. :)


    -Lady Rose

  4. WOW! That came out great!! I love the fabric, the style, the belt and handbag - and the matching lining - perfect! It's a flattering dress on you : ) Nice cut and colors. I Love the collar and cuffs!

  5. Oh Gene-Gene..I love you soooo much.. I love that you are a Christian, I love that you are a good wife and mother and I love that you are an individual!! I LOVE your dress!

  6. Amazing girlfriend! I love it all. You look wonderful. This is perfect! Love ya, Christine

  7. Came over here from Sew Retro - your dress is gorgeous, I love it! Well done.

  8. Gina, FABULOUS!!!!!!! Love the outfit! Your creativity and skill at designing and sewing surpass some of the people i went to fashion school with! (oops did i say that!) LOL of course i did. Love the lining that you made for the handbag and love that you are enjoying it.

    Love you Girl-- see ya soon :) Annie

  9. Oh how fun!!! Love it all! Esp the *random* chickens jumping into *your* photo shoot lol

  10. Gina, I just loved that dress, and the lining for your handbag made of the same material is just genius. You look stunning!!

  11. Wow, this is a totally STUNNING dress!!! May I be so bold as to ask which pattern you used for this? I noticed from your earlier post that it's a Vogue pattern, but which one?

  12. Great photos! I love the chickens. Looks like you were having so much fun.

  13. Oh, I love it! It's such a cute dress and it fits you like a glove! The lining of your bag in matching fabric is pretty special too ;o)

  14. Oh, this is georgeous! Suits you so well.

  15. Just perfect! What a great idea to create a purse liner to match your dress (which by the way looks amazing!). I love your pictures with the chickens - so fun. You are wonderful.

  16. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! I am overwhelmed with your encouragement and kindness! Even as I am learning to sew, I am so thankful for the online community of people who give feedback!Thank you so much!!! Maritha, yes, no problem, I love to share with you the pattern, It was pictured in the last post, I didn't get the number of it on the picture, it's 7353 the copyright 1951. I didn't use the skirt pattern because it's a bit full for me. Hope that helps!

  17. You are are some cute hens over ther! The inside of the bag is so great . Like a cute PTA mom from the 50's.

  18. wauw what a beautiful dress and it looks great on you :-) regards from Linda (Denmark)

  19. So cute! I love how teeeny tiny your waist is that dress, very vintage silouette!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  20. what a beautiful dress! i love the black and white accented with the pink-very jackie o.! =)

  21. You look spectacular! I just found you through Sew Retro ( I read so many blogs that I *hope* this is the right source. ) I'm curious about how you managed the purse lining! Could you enlighten me?

    Thanks & happy sewing!

  22. Hi Katherine, I have been lining my purses for years I made a youtube video to help people learn how to line their bags, These are custom for your items, check it out here.
    And it's on my blog in written form just click on the red purse lining on my home page. Good luck, I hope you make one!! You will love it!

  23. I'm very jealous of your dress...I have yet to make a 1950's dress that I like/will wear. And the matching purse! Adorable. Plus it matches your blog's background!
    Anyways, I got my "Sewn By" labels as a gift, from the website You have to buy about 50, I think, but it is a very good price.

  24. Wow, what a cute dress, looks great on you. The chickens also seem to approve!

  25. Thank you, Corrine, my hens love running about, they are very friendly! Lisette, hey thanks for the good info on the tags, I want some! Yours are really cute! Marie, it's a illusion due to my large hips! LOL

  26. Oh my goodness! You never fail to come up with the cutest fabrics and pattern combinations! :) I'm adoring that you matched your purse lining to the dress--how cute! :)

    ♥ Casey

  27. Hello! I just clicked over to your blog from Casey's - your fabric choices are divine! I would never have been so brave with the pink collar, but it works so well!
