
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Second Swing dress

First, I want to say I am glad I participated in this swing dress sew-along, so here's a big shout out to Casey for hosting this great project. It was worth it to me to make two of these dresses, I was learning so much from making the first dress that I didn't want to stop diving deeper into my own fit issues. Although, I made two, they are not fitted alike. I wanted this yellow rayon dress to look a bit more old fashioned. Old fashion, for me, translates a lower waistline, a bit of a puffy sleeve, and a little wiggle room. So, I redrafted the sleeves and added a bit more ease to them. I also raised the armholes, thanks that feels better, now I can raise my arms over my head. These pictures were taken at our local ice cream parlor. It's a great place for a grilled cheese sandwich. Overall, I am happy with this dress. I think I will be smiling and wearing it often! Now to find some comfortable shoes and a hot pink, bead necklace.  Spring is coming!! Hooray!

Have a Fabulous vintage day!

Back behind me is the Golden Lamb. Many presidents have spent the night, including George Washington.

This Ice Cream Parlor may look familiar to you, it was in the film Milk Money. 


  1. You look lovely! And I think I like this one the best... :-)


  2. Lovely! I like the fabric you chose. The pictures came out great too : )

  3. Great job! I love the buttons.

  4. Beautiful! :o) Love the print and the way to hangs! ;o) Very Spring-y! ;o)

  5. You did so well on this pattern. I have to confess I have abandoned this project as this pattern and I just do not get along!!!
    Love the floral.

  6. Wow, I can't believe you've made 2 swing dresses in the time it's taken me to not quite make 1!!! I love both your versions, but the buttons on this one are adorable. Very good work!

    I'm desperately hoping to get mine finished tonight, otherwise it'll be ealry next week as I'm away this weekend...fingers crossed for tonight!!!

  7. You look fantastic! What a lovely color and I am loving the buttons so much.

  8. Absolutely stunning!!! Great Job!!!

  9. What a gorgeous dress! You dd a wonderful job. And I LOVE the fabric! I found some similar to this once in a fabric shop and wish I'd got it when I'd seen iT xx

  10. Wow, it's beautiful! You look so pretty.

  11. The color looks amazing on you! Im a bit jealous, I have never been able to find a yellow that looked that good on me. Lovely dress and lovely blog!

  12. Oh it's absolutely beautiful. It pains me to say this (as the owner of a red swing dress) but I think I prefer this one to your red one! Gorgeous fabric and buttons and I love the old fashioned feel of it. Great job. xx

  13. Yay! I love the yellow. So great for spring!

  14. I love how your dress turned out. The fabric is so beautiful and springy!

  15. This is a wonderful dress. Yellow is my favorite color and you wear it well! I love the photos in the ice cream parlor - what a perfect setting to show off such a darling dress. I am a fan of the buttons you used as well.

  16. Beautiful fabric! The yellow really suits you. And what a great idea to add the buttons. Lovely job!

  17. Gina this looks fabulous on you. I happen to love yellow and blue anyway and would have picked this material too if it came my way. The dress below too is so perfect for you. I have not made my swing dress yet. I'm stalling on it for some reason, I've done lots of crafts but not my dress. I really need to get going on that. Nan

  18. Very pretty fabric. I like your version. Its amazing how fabric choice changes the look of the pattern.

    Looks very pretty on you.

  19. lovely fabric choice! you look very very pretty. :)

  20. As always Gina you look stunning! The colour is just beautiful.

  21. You did a wonderful job of your dress! I adore the yellow fabric too.


  22. That fabric is so, so gorgeous, Gina!!!! I just love how cheerful it is; I dare say this is the sort of dress that will always put a spring in your step and smile on your face when you wear it. :)

    Thank you so much for participating in the sew-along--hope you had fun! :)

    ♥ Casey

  23. Wow, I am thanks for your sweet comments.
    M.- thanks I like this one too.

    Nabila Grace- I was surprise with the drape, didn't expect it to hang and move so nice!

    Miss P- Thanks, sorry about your luck with the pattern, I had a few like that too!

    Marie- I can't wait to see your dress, the only reason I have made two is I have some time on my hands right now, but summer is coming!!

    Thanks Tilly!

    Jane- I know what you mean, prints are fun. Although I have a ton of solid fabrics very few prints!

    Annabelle- I love your dress! It's beautiful

    Nan- I hope you finish your dress soon, would love to see it!

    Renee- I agree, fabric choice can break it or make it with a garment.

    Thanks Marie!

    Casey- Thanks so much, it was fun and a great learning experience for me!

  24. Vintage Girl,

    I like the floral print against the yellow background color on this dress. I don't look so good in yellow, but you look great!

    The background pictures of your home town were interesting to see as well.

    But wait! Where is the matching purse with the matching fabric? :) Tee hee.


  25. This is great! I LOVE the dress! I found you through Sewvintage :)
    I really want to start sewing clothes and you have inspired me to do so!
    Olivia :)

  26. I left a comment the other day, but maybe I didn't do it property - sorry! I wanted to say how much I love this dress and the alterations you've made are all to the good. The buttons are a great idea and so pretty, and the fabric is gorgeous.

    I love the photos you've taken in your town - they are really bright and fresh. Great job!

  27. Mrs. Exeter, thanks so much. I took a lot of pictures because I love our little town so much. The ice cream parlor is like stepping back in time. Did you finish your dress? I hope to see it! I wanted to also say I so enjoy your witty blog and all your wonderful creations!

  28. Lady Rose, you are right, I need that matching purse! LOL I may have to think about that one! Have a great day!!

  29. What a beautiful dress. I am enamored with Yellow for sewing this year.

    You must live near Lebanon, OH. My dad was from there & I remember seeing The Golden Lamb. I don't think we ever went to the Ice Cream Parlor tho.


  30. this dress is just darling! amazing work! do you mind me asking what pattern you used? or did you draft the whole thing? it really is gorgeous!

  31. A pretty mess, What a great name! The pattern I used was from sense and sensibility patterns. It's a hard one to use if your short waisted as it will need to be shorten, but it helped sharpen my skills a lot!
