
Saturday, May 7, 2011

70's blouse done!

This blouse was easy construction until the collar.  I kept reading over the directions and after taking it out 4 times, realized I was reading the directions for view 3 not view 4!  Some days I am not very observant.  Remember the purge from my closet I did a couple weeks back?  Well, this blouse is an effort to add some much needed solid colored clothing to my closet. It's a mystery fabric, but it's heavy and feels good on.

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. It's lovely! :) I really like the gathering.
    Ashley x

  2. Very nice and basic you can wear this with a lot of your things. Good job.
    My black trim came from Ebay Friday and I'm basting it on both pieces of the Chanel pink twin set.

  3. Very pretty, and will go with lots in your wardrobe. You look wonderful in these pastel shades. Your topstitching is exquisite! xx

  4. Oh, yeah, I remember wearing blouses like that. Yours looks professional.

  5. Very nice blouse! It looks like it will be a great basis in your wardrobe. :]

  6. Very lovely! The sleeves look fantastic. I have a similar blouse, and I wear it constantly. It's such a flattering style :)

  7. Lovely blouse. Love the gathers.

  8. Gina,

    I like your new blouse. Blue is a color that goes with most other colors as well, so it's a good choice. Mystery fabric? :)


    -L. Rose

  9. Lovely blouse GIna and the colour is great, it will go with everything. Perfect for Me-Made-June! x

  10. Oooooh, likey! Ddi you go by high bust again?

  11. I meant "did" not "Ddi" Sorry!

  12. Oh, I love this blouse! I think it would also be lovely in a knit, so now i'm going to hunt it down. Thanks for the inspiration ;)!

  13. Hey Miss P, yes this was another high bust measurement. It a 32. It's fits pretty nice. It's not fitted as much as my other dresses. So it's going to be a shirt I wear to work in. Thanks for all your comments!! you guys are wonderful!

  14. Really really like that top! Cuteness

  15. This is so much nicer than the picture on the pattern envelope. It's a lovely top - I'm sure it will be very versatile. With the shape and color, you could wear it with so much.

  16. Very nice, l like the gathering at the back. I was sewing yesterday and did exactly the same thing - was looking at C instead of D!

  17. Oh my... I've done that when reading directions before as well! ;) hehe! Love the blouse you made; the color is so pretty!

  18. Hi Gina,

    I have just found your blog for the first time and I love it, I must have spent most of the afternoon browsing through everything you have made and it all looks fabulous!
    I have just decided to return to dressmaking after not making clothes for many years and your blog has certainly given me the inspiration to pick up my dressmaking scissors again. I have a cross stitch blog and I am considering starting a sewing blog soon.

    Such beautiful creations, I think my favourite is the gingham dress with the red piping, very beautifully put together!

    If you would like to see my bridesmaid dresses I made in 1984 (Priness Diana influenced) just click on this link.

    I had a lovely time visiting your blog, I will be back!

    Kind regards

    Lynn B

  19. Lynn B- nice to meet you too! Sewing has become more than a hobby for me. I hope that you do get back to making clothing, I would love to see your creations on your blog. good luck and thanks for coming by.
