
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Me-Made June '11


'I, Gina , sign up as a participant of Me-Made-June '11. I endeavour to wear one garment I've made each day for the duration of June 2011'

Well, I did it now!  What did I get myself into?  I will be wearing mostly dresses for the month of June, because that's about all I sew right now.  Shorts, some skirts and a few blouses might be nice. Honestly, I took this challenge, because my wardrobe is lacking and this will force me to take a closer look.  Just a couple of weeks ago, as you know, I cleaned out my closet, which by the way I am so glad I did. I do not miss all those unloved, unworn garments, they were just in my way. Then yesterday, I spent the day with a  friend who helps women build their wardrobes.  She is a consultant, author and speaker on beauty. We talked about what is needed in a wardrobe, she even gave me a color wheel!  She was very helpful with  identifying gaps in my closet.  Now today, Zoe's me-made June popped up on my blog reader.  I had to sign on the dotted line. Boy, do I feel focused after all this.  I have never been this intentional with my wardrobe! Anyway, my goal is to sew in the month of May the following:

1.  A few solid colored skirts! Red, brown, and black.
2.  a black dress to wear to a funeral. One of my family members is very ill and I may need to be prepared for this soon.
3. Some knit shirts to go with the skirts would be nice. 
4. Some pants for camping!
Can I make 3 skirts, one dress, 3 shirts and a pair of pants in May? I don't know that's a lot!  But, it's either that or I will have not much to wear!

What about you, are you up for the challenge?

Have a beautiful vintage day!



  1. The good news is that, even if you only make a few of those things in May, you can still make them in the beginning of June. Necessity is the mother of (ever increasingly) nimble fingers!

  2. If you keep them simple patterns you can do it. Will be watching for what all you come up with.

  3. Quite challenging, Gina. I admire :) Good luck for the whole June ! :)

  4. I know the feeling Gina! I have got lots of gaps and signed up for me made june! I think on my front, quick simple jersey tops may be my salvation!
    You will definitely be able to make that in may and june! Don't sweat! x

  5. Gina,

    Hummm . . . I don't know if I could take this kind of challenge. First of all, I can't sew a lick. Second, in order to revamp my current wardrobe, I'd almost have to buy all new clothes, seriously!

    Still, I admire you for being so thorough and diligent regarding this challenge. When you start it, be sure to give us updates on your progress.

    -L. Rose

  6. I'm taking the challenge too and have just identified the same few gaps in my wardrobe. Like you, I need a plain skirts and shirts, I see a few weeks of concentrated sewing coming up! Good luck! x

  7. I confess l am not up to this, but l am totally loving sewing at the moment. I made two dresses i n April - by bizarre coincidence, one is black but it wasn't ready for the funeral l had to go to. I am going to make a floral skirt then another dress. I am fairly new to sewing soy first attempt at a pattern usually ends up in the charity shop!

  8. Gina...first thank you for stopping by the cottage, it is always so nice to see you :-)

    Now for the challenge, well my friend, I am with you on this one. Even though I am not going to put it in writing ( ;-D ) I am going to try to write about this and see how far I go in wearing my own clothes. So far, I have made three dresses, 1 skirt and 1 top. But, oh my goodness, I have so much still to go.

    Too many gaps, and frankly, I don't want to become overwhelmed...but I will urge you on from the sidelines my friend :D

    Mrs. M.

  9. wow! thanks for sharing... i just signed up

  10. Hi, Gina! Just found you through Nan's blog...since I'm a "Vintage Chic", I just had to come and meet a "Vintage Girl"!

    I'm attempting to become more of a seamstress...I'm in love with vintage styles and want to make more of my own clothes...I LOVE the styles of the '30's and '40's! My daughter is starting to sew now, too, so I need to get cracking!

    Not quite ready to take the challenge yet, but it certainly inspires me! First, I think I'll go get rid of all the clothes I never wear--they really DO take up way too much space, don't they?!

    I'll be following wonderful to "meet" you today!


  11. Good luck! I'm still recovering from the Colette Spring Palette Challenge which is about 2 months past. heh

    Can't wait to see your new (& old) creations.

  12. A Vintage Chic- nice to meet you too. I am following you now, great blog.

  13. Wow, that's an impressive challenge -- good luck! : )
    I have to say, although I've tried to look at my wardrobe with that "modular" point of view, I still have trouble seeing where the gaps are (and I know I have some!). I am envious of your new knowledge! Hopefully it helps you sew speedily towards June!!

  14. Oh, yeah! I will really enjoy watching all the beautiful clothes of your wardrobe and get ideas for my future made ​​me ...."
    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, you are very close to my heart.

  15. Ooh! I can't wait to read more about what you make/wear during the challenge! :) I know I've been giving it some serious thought lately, and considering how I could use it to rework certain sections of my wardrobe more. I already wear a lot of pieces that I've made or refashioned, but like you I have obvious gaps in the ol' wardrobe! ;) Especially when it comes to shorts and pants... I have plenty of dresses and probably too many skirts (I'm such a girly girl! ;), but few shorts or pants that I actually like to wear a lot. (My 40s sailor shorts and 30s slacks are the ones that get the most rotation--I guess I prefer flowy styles?) Might have to partipate in this too--shall have to give it a think! ;)
