
Monday, May 30, 2011

Filling in the Gaps Project 2

Another gap in missing from my closet. This gap involved a favorite, worn to death skirt that lost it's pair only recently due to a nasty stain. This outfit is my "staying around the house special". It's for those days that I think I'll be staying home, but just in case I need to go out to the store, I'll be presentable. This simple, shirt is made from a shower curtain, yes nothing is safe in my home since I started sewing! I do like the small check mixed with the flower patterned skirt. Last weekend I wore the outfit while camping, it was perfect. I have a lot to show you coming up!

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. Love! And the necklace is spot on!

  2. Love the print in the top. I've been eyeing up some mint green polka dot cotton in my local fabric shop recently :)

  3. Oooo this little set looks lovely, the skirt is very pretty and the top is cute too! You are giving me lots of inspiration with your colour choices.

  4. VickiPerryCreations- I say go for the mint green polka dot! That sounds wonderful!!

    Stephanie- thanks Working at those necklines.

    Lynn B- Colour is beautiful and fun, I say go for it! Find what works for you and be happy wearing what you like.

  5. From sheets to shower curtains. Now THAT's creativity!


  6. Nice! I love how the blue necklace ties the whole outfit together.

  7. Very cute! My husband banned me from his closet because I kept trying to appropriate his old shirts, etc. for sewing projects...hehe...I hadn't thought about the shower curtain. I have a particularly nice one...hmmm :)

  8. Will sure look forward to what is coming up. This is a real 'sweet' little outfit on you, so 60's. I'm working on filling gaps as I go. Making myself finish up projects before starting more.

  9. The skirt and blouse go together well.

  10. It's green gingham! Very lovely, and it goes really well with the skirt. :)

  11. Very nice really looks nice with the skirt :-D


  12. Gorgeous top Gina, I especially like the green gingham. Did you see my gingham post here: I wanted to thank you for the tips on pattern sizing, they definitely worked for me! Jane x

  13. So fun! This outfit truly speaks spring and summer. I can't believe you look so adorable when you plan to stay around the house, really puts my oversized sweats to shame.

  14. What a beautiful skirt! And I love the top as well!

  15. Ha ha, I love it that you used a shower curtain, who would have thought as the top looks so nice?! Goes great with the necklace too...yay for recycling!

  16. Gina,

    Ha, ha! Your poses for the camera are too cute! This is a great "staying home" outfit. Looks comfy too! :)

    -L. Rose
