
Thursday, June 2, 2011

80's Blouse and 60's skirt!

First up, this charming couple. A 80's top in love with a 60's skirt, say it isn't so.  I grew up in the 80's. At the time, I loved the fashions of that day, but the 90's came rolling in and I lost my loving feelings towards the eighties. Now their back. Mrs. Exeter from Dressing Mrs. Exeter wrote an interesting post about fashion and the decades. How fashions we laughed at years ago, now we consider them endearing. It really got me thinking about returning to my childhood roots. So, I decided to made this 80's blouse. Thanks Mrs. Exeter, I would have pasted up this pattern before! I like the sleeves, all six of them. They give a nice layered effect. I would like to make this blouse again with a nautical theme.

Here's a big shout out to Jane from Handmade Jane  Thanks Jane for recommending this skirt. I kept looking at your skirts and loved them. To my surprise, I had this very pattern in my drawer. LOL, I need to take an inventory of my patterns! This was my first time sewing a lap zipper. I used this video to learn how. what we we do without youtube? Anyway, this is also my MMJune outfit for today. What are you working on? Are you filling in any gaps? I am, I'll be back in a little while with the next update.

Until then have a Wonderful vintage day,



  1. What a gorgeous outfit, I love both pieces - they go so well together, but will look great as separates too! Lovely colours!!!

  2. This blouse is super cute! I hate the 80's but this turned out great!

  3. Thanks for the shout out! The two pieces look fab together, love the buttons. The skirt turned out perfectly - yay! and the blouse looks 100 times nicer than the pattern envelope! Lovely outfit and a great start to MMJ. x

  4. Oh, that blouse brings back memories of the 80s for me too. The asymmetrical front, the ruffles, the small floral print...yup, been there, done all of it. :) As for Me-Made-June, I'm taking advantage of it to pay close attention to where the gaps in my wardrobe are, so I'm hoping that afterward I'll be able to join the Closing The Gaps challenge!

  5. It's really awesome that mixing pieces from the 80's and 60's go so well together! I do it all the time with vintage clothes, but I'm now inspired to sew skirts and tops from different eras so I can mix and match them! (:

  6. I think it looks great! And I love all the 80's tops, they are so cute with the wide arms, works really well with a fitted skirt or pant :D

  7. I love it! I still can't believe it's an 80's top. :)

    Your zipper instalation on your skirt is a masterpiece of perfection! Do you have any special tips/tricks to get it looking so perfect?

  8. What a fabulous outfit!

    I have some 80s patterns myself - I definitely think there is good 80s, and bad, bad, bad 80s :-)

    Your whole outfit is great...

  9. Gorgeous. You know, the 80s top also seems to have a little 30s influence as well (with the off-center buttons) which makes me like it even more. The delicate floral print is perfectly paired with your skirt. I have been wanting to make a skirt like that for some time now. You did a great job :)

  10. What a lovely combination. I really love the top!

  11. What a nice combination....the blouse is very, very pretty :-)


  12. Its a marriage made in heaven, so I think we can ignore the age gap LOL! Thanks for linking to my page. The blouse is beautiful, but the skirt's left me gasping at your skill - it would have been so easy to over-fit this, but you've got it spot on. And the zip looks very, very professional! You are so productive - I am in awe!

  13. They make a nice couple! :O)... Really like that blouse!

  14. I love that blouse. So pretty and perfect choice of fabric. I may need to keep my eye out for that pattern. Thank you for sharing!

  15. zilredloh- Thanks, I took my computer to my sewing room and watched the video and made the lap zipper in steps. I took my time installing it because I wanted it perfect. I did mark the sewing line and measured a few times.

    Mrs Exeter- Thanks, again. I haven't had the years of experience sewing, but I want to learn so much. I am seeing a difference in my garments too as I take my time to sew

    Annabelle- Thanks, my friend said the same thing about a 30's feel. This would be fun in a light fabric too. I hope you make a skirt, they are a good garment to sew.

    parismegs- Yes, I agree, 80's garments were a little off the wall at times. I am trying to broadened what I am willing to sew/wear so this was one pattern I wanted to try. Thanks for stopping by!

    Thanks everyone for your sweet comments.

  16. Your blouse is so adorable. I especially love the sleeves.

    I just left a comment on your April 29th post on choosing the right pattern size.

  17. Trudy, I am so glad it was helpful. I was buying 34 and 36 bust patterns and they were swimming on me in the shoulders and the bust. I can buy 32 patterns and they fit really good. Good luck Trudy! let me know how it works out for you.

  18. Lovely details on the blouse, oh, I wanna make something buttons on it NOW! :P

  19. Great outfit! The side buttons and sleeves are awesome.

  20. I absolutely love this outfit! Great colors and all inn all very cute skirt and blouse! :)
