
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Links/comments may not be working

This is my favorite painting that I own. It has been in my family since my great grandmother. I have spent hours looking at this lovely lady hoping someday I could dress like her.
Please bear with me as I fix these problems with my blog. I am not aware of the source that is keeping a few folks from commenting or clicking links. My husband works in computers too and is looking into the problem. Thanks so much to all of you who have email me. My email is if anyone else would like to email and let me know what they are seeing on their computers, this may help me to resolve issues! Thanks so much for your patience. You are all the best community around! Until then how about some random pictures of my favorite things from my home! I like to decorate with antiques, here are a few of my favorite spots in my home. In no particular order. Warning lots of pictures here!!!
This lamp was my mom's. She gave it to me and I found another one just like it at the antique store. The light dances at night all over my walls. Love it
Christmas Day at our house, told you this was random!
                 Our front door, I enjoy the design.
      Our everyday chairs for our dining area. We love the castle theme of them, they are very heavy.
           My upstairs bathroom shelf. Just for fun.
        I wish this showed up better, there is mother of pearl painted in this picture, it's very grand to look at.
        I made is runner years ago. This vase is heavy, you can't see it's true color, is a beautiful pale blue.
      This chicken's name is Jones, my kids joke often about him.

 I am very bad at leaving tags hanging on items I have bought, I am a bit of a Minnie Pearl that way.
              This is from my bedroom. I love this pale yellow vase.
         This is where I sit and blog. The metal tray is for my coffee. the curtains I made last year.


  1. Gina I love your house! You have some beautiful treasures.

  2. At a guess, the commenting issues you are having are either caused by popup blockers, javascript needing to be updated OR an incomaptible browser. Sometimes it times out just as the word verification thing is supposed to be popping up. This is working in chrome, for me ;)
    (Love your treasures, we have many similar ones here)

  3. From what I have been reading in blog land the embedded comment box like this is causing some bloggers issues leaving comments. It seems if you switch your setting in blogger to either the pop up window comment form(which is not related to the pop up blockers :O)) or the full page comment form it fixes the problem for a lot of people trying to leave comments. Also the word verification is causing issue. Several of us have just taken that step off leaving us a comment. You can set your comments so that anonymous people cannot leave you a comment. I am not having but an occasional spam without the word verification which I took off my blog a long time ago. Bloggers spam watch catches most of those. :O). Maybe this will help :O).

  4. Thanks for the visit. I thoroughly enjoyed it, Minnie Pearl!

  5. I was able to comment perfectly smoothly, however, I noticed two overlapping fonts in your header. Perhaps that's intentional; perhaps it's not.

  6. Maybe the problem is this: when I have been trying to comment on blogger blogs recently, the sign-in page has been automatically ticking a box "stay signed in" and only if I UNtick that box can I leave a comment - it I leave it ticked I go round in circles forever trying to sign in and failing...

  7. Thanks, I am trying different things, someone emailed and said they could only comment anonymously, without word verification. We will see if this works. Thanks for your feedback!

  8. I had a similar problem with my blog a little while ago, none of the links including comments was clickable in Firefox (though it worked with Opera). In my case, it was a problem with my template/design's CSS (the layering was faulty) and I fixed it by setting the z-index of "footer-outer" to a negative number (-99 worked). The Firebug plugin for Firefox is a pretty good way to find out where your code is faulty...

  9. I hope this works - I haven't had any problems commenting on Blogger blogs using Firefox, but Internet Explorer always wants me to log in again, even though I'm logged in. I think the problem is with Blogger, though - some people can't comment at all.

    Enough of that - what I really wanted to say is what great style you have with your home - everything is gorgeous and fits together well, and I love the old/new mix. It looks stylish and beautiful but also comfortable and welcoming, somewhere children don't have to walk on eggshells - not an easy thing to pull off! And now I've seen your blogging corner I can picture you sippling your coffee and uploading your latest creation! Hope techie problems get sorted out soon. xxx

  10. Gina,

    What a lovely home you have! We have the same sewing book ;D

    Good of you to invite us for a bit.


  11. All of your things are very beautiful. You have done a marvelous job decorating your home.

  12. Wow! This post was how I take a walk through your home, go visit and take a cup of tea together, I'm a little behind with the visit of blogs but I'm catching up.

  13. Gina,

    Hey fashion lady! Did you ever get my emails? I miss you!


    -L. Rose

  14. love the painting have you tried the hairstyle that she is modelling. taking small steps and the whole dream comes together
