
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Polka dot skirt burda style

I love this little skirt! It has top stitching that took forever, but adds so much to this Burda skirt.  Maybe I'll try it in red. What are you making?

On a side note, I have received a few emails from folks that have wanted to comment and can't on this blog. My hubby looked into it and thinks it may be fixed. If you are having trouble leaving a comment or following the site please email me about the problem. I love to hear from you all.

Have a wonderful vintage day!



  1. Cute! I love the contrasting top stitching. It looks so professional!

  2. Very Cute! I love the polka dots! Fantastic photos too, with the barn in the back!

  3. Love polka dots,and I like the top stitching in other color.
    I just did a blouse Butterick 4985, but it was so big =( now I am trying to resize my pattern and I am searching in the web how to do it.

  4. Well right off the top I LOVE DOTS!! Yes a lot of work but worth it. Sometimes I enjoy doing details like this and I bet you do too. Now I'm thinking on the red skirt you might top stitch in white?
    I have trouble all over leaving comments these days but I try a second time and it comes in for me, don't know what Yahoo blogs are up to but you have to keep at them and they work.
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my birthday post. I was really nervous and didn't want to sound egotistical you know. I started an exercise program at age 27 and have never been off it it since other than for injuries then right back in there. Don't wait until you are really out of shape to start. You look wonderful and to keep it that way working out is important, even fast power walking for you in that beautiful area in which you live is a marvelous workout.

  5. It's lovely Gina and the style suits you perfectly. I'm about to make a black skirt (can you believe I don't own a black skirt?!) and was thinking of doing some white top stitching, you've convinced me to go for it with this lovely make. Love the polka dots too! x

  6. I'm in awe of your top-stitching - it must have taken so much patience and is really, really beautiful and professional-looking. I know how hard this is, and how difficult but crucial it is to keep your focus after the first five minutes. Good job!

  7. C.You.te skirt, Dotty! And lookie here... Hubby gets a gold star! It be fixed!

  8. I love this skirt. I'm a sucker for polka dots and top stitching is FAB!

  9. Cute skirt. I just found one vintage wrap pattern at the thrift shop. Can't wait to make it.

  10. Total Cuteness! Love it and it looks very nice on you...

  11. This is one of my favorite projects of yours. The top stitching is such a lovely detail and polka dots are "spot on" :)

  12. Super cute! I have also been loving your shirts you've been doing lately--collars are great on you!

  13. Gina, that is a terrific skirt! The topstitching really gives it extra 'pop'!

  14. This is adorable! I love the topstitching.

  15. That skirt is goregous and looks beautiful on you. It definitely is professionally made, and fits you perfectly. Where did you get that fabric. I'm having my own sewing woes right now so it's nice to see that sometimes projects do work out! I love reading your blog, and also agree with you on the fact that vintage is better! I've personally seen that time and time again.

  16. Gina,

    Oh, this skirt is so cute! You certainly can't find anything cute like that in the stores! You're so talented. I wish I had a talent for sewing, sigh!

    I like your new blog header as well. I think the picture fits very nicely with your blog theme. :)


    -L. Rose

    P.S. I asked you for your email address awhile ago, but you didn't send it to me. I guess you forgot, ha, ha! :)

  17. so pretty! i love the combination of the polka dots & topstitching!
