
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

green skirt finished!

Wow! This summer is flying by! I have been sewing a little on the side. This happy, green, skirt was made from a vintage pattern I found in my stash.  I have been looking for a wider A-line skirt for a while because I have a bad habit of propping up my leg when I drive and wanted a skirt that would allow me to assume my "driving position" while wearing it.  This skirt is just shy of a  half circle. It came together pretty nicely. Although I am noticing that with every vintage skirt pattern that I have made, the waistband is smaller than the body of the skirt, making it impossible to sew without "easing in" the garment and creating little gathers. I am not a fan of gathers on me. To remedy this I have been cutting my waistbands 1/2 inch longer, so that they match up with the body of the skirt. It has worked like a charm. Now the skirt sits flat against me.  I also installed another lap zipper. I am really liking lap zippers, they are great for using up all those vintage zippers I have been collecting. I am pairing the skirt with a white blouse for now. Yes, I just created a gap in need of a pair! LOL Skirts are always needed in summer, I live in them. So now it's time for some blouses. Vicious cycle isn't it? Where is Summer is going? I noticed Joann's had fall wool for sale already yikes!

Have a wonderful vintage day,



  1. Beautiful skirt! The fabric looks very vintage, is it? I'm in desperate need for some ok summer skirts (I currently just have one wide skirt, and its BLACK!) but I can't find any in the shops right now..I might have to make one ;)

  2. That's a sweet skirt, what kind of weight fabric did you use?
    You made me laugh - I have been following your filling the gaps project (very good idea!) & love the way we create more. That is so the kind of thing that I do!

  3. So, so lovely! The print is perfect for the silhouette! :)

    I noticed the fall fabrics at JoAnns the other day too... Had to chuckle a bit because not only is it still July, but in Florida we won't be wearing anything remotely fall-like until halfway through fall. hehe! Then I saw the Christmas stuff and got an even bigger laugh! *sigh* The summer is going far too fast!

  4. Your skirt turned out lovely! I think I have this pattern in my stash, but if I recall correctly it is about a 24" waist, so I would need to do some grading. I agree with you about the waistbands, cut them longer and don't worry about the no fun easing so much fabric into the waistband. :]

  5. Very lovely and perfect for summer!

  6. Pretty! Yes summer is flying by, where I surely don't want to wish my life away. :O), we could so use some cooler temps here in Texas.Um and some rain!

  7. Beautiful. And the color is so perfect.

  8. Oh lovely color and pattern on you. A lap zipper huh, I think you mean a zipper instead of two sides sewn it has the one larger one over the zipper? If not then I don't get it. I just cut out another skirt myself but my kids are here so I'm distracted for sewing right now. Lots of summer stuff happening here in Alaska. Family went fishing all day on the bay.

  9. I agree - where is summer going?
    Very pretty skirt - I love the green!

  10. Very pretty - and it even matches your blog design! :)

  11. I like those vintage skirt patterns, and the green skirt that you made has turned-out nicely. :)

    P.S. Thanks for coming by my blog yesterday. I have "missed" seeing you there. :)

  12. Love your blog. I've enjoyed looking at all your sewing. You surely have a talent for sewing. And you sure could wear your garments inside out. Love all your different patterns, too.


  13. Gina, the skirt is lovely!
    It looks really nice on you.
    Well done!

  14. Thanks, it's comfortable. Scruffybadger- I know what you mean, the fabric is a med. to heavier weight. It came from the thrift on a bolt. Most likely for a couch.LOL!

    Everyone- Thanks for stopping by I have missed you all a lot. There is a good reason! Be sharing with you soon!

  15. It's great and I love the fabric!
    That green is beautiful!

  16. That's a lovely skirt and really suits you. What pretty fabric too. Good tip about the waistband - I don't like gathers either, they're not flattering on me.

  17. What a lovely fabric...and it looks great on you! :)
