
Thursday, July 21, 2011

cleaning up and a giveaway

This post has little to do with vintage life, sewing or the alike. I'll be frank, life has been taking me deep into a rabbit hole, the trip has had some bumps, but been very good and all consuming! I won't share a lot since this is really a sewing/vintage blog, but I want you to know why I have fallen out of touch over these last couple of weeks.  I woke up one day and  knew I had to come to terms with having too much stuff and not enough places to put things.  As I looked into my junk drawer of life, I realized it was too full and brought me sadness, not joy. So this past month I have been giving furniture, dishes, toys and everything you can think of away, including a boat! This process started with cleaning out my closet. I have cleaned out EVERY Drawer in my home and feel a sense of relief and sanity returning. Now I only have things that are useful or make us smile.
As I was cleaning out my stash of my vintage collections, there were a few items that I wanted to give to someone who really loves them. I thought this might be a great giveaway to anyone who reads this blog. There are three items to choose from. Just leave a comment on which giveaway item you would like, 1, 2, or number 3.  I will randomly pick three winners and the prizes will be mailed out to the winners.  Please leave me a email address to get in contact with you. Entries for this give away will end on July 28th at midnight EST.

First up, being a purse lady, I love this purse, it's green! These pictures are okay, but the green color is much more vibrant than what is coming through.
Giveaway item number 1!

Next behind door number two, Tack it! Yes, this is a vintage pattern marker. It makes it easy to mark darts with a tap! Fun for sure.

Giveaway number 2

And behind door number three we have vintage patterns. They are from the 40's. The dress is for a 36 bust. 

Giveaway number 3

Thanks to all of you, good luck!

Have a Fabulous vintage day!



  1. I wish I was over there to enjoy vintage giveaways! (I'm Argentinian)

  2. I'm in love with the patterns!Thanks for the closet clear-out! I agree that getting rid of stuff sometimes feels so good!

  3. thanks. I love #2. It always helps with correct tool.

  4. This is inspirational.
    I've been meaning to get rid of all the clutter for ages, but there's always something else that gets bumped up to 'urgent'.
    One of these days....

    Great idea to have a give-away with it!
    If it's international , please put my name down for that lovely green bag.

  5. If your giveaway is international, I would love to enter for the patterns (#3). They are so beautiful!

  6. I love No. 3, especially the dress with the scallops. If you're willing to post to Australia, please count me in. If not, please just take this as a regular post on your blog.

  7. There;s nothing that makes me feel better like gettind rid of life's clutter. I do it every few months and it feels like I've lost 200 pounds overnight!
    I love option 3! I sew constantly and those patterns are fantastic!! Thanks for hosting the fabulous giveaway :)

  8. I would LOVE what's behind door number three, please. What a great giveaway!

    (my email is in my profile)

  9. A GREEN purse? Are you kidding me? Given to me? H.e.l.l.o.!

    Vintage patterns? Goodness! Which door? Number 1 or Number 3? Oh, that's soooooooo hard to decide upon. But, alas, I must say:

    DOOR NUMBER 3 please!

  10. Very nice of you to do this. Add me to the entry list

  11. Door number three for me too please! :) That scalloped dress is so cute!
    Ashley x

  12. Oh, how I love the patterns! Howevver, having a great vintage sewing tool would just make my heart sing. I'm going to have to go with #2 (she types with fingers crossed). beezekneesfashions (at) gmail (d0t) com

  13. You've got me thinking about my "junk drawer". It's just finding the time to do the clean up. I guess I need to start in small increments and then it might not seem so overwhelming. While I love the vintage patterns and have taken every opportunity to acquire more, I am going to opt for the green purse. I choose this because I will definitely use it as oppose to the patterns that I might someday use. Door #1, please.


  14. I surely understand the to much stuff! When we did the floors in our home a few months ago and had to empty the entire house closets and all, oh ya. After moving back in what we were keeping, it left us with 1/2 a garage full of furniture and boxes of stuff I have slowly been either donating, selling, or giving away.

    Wonderful give aways but don't enter me :O).

  15. First of all, I can completely relate to your 'clean up and clean out'. My process has been somewhat slower - a drawer here, a closet there - but I too am ridding myself of stuff....

    Having said that, I would love to win the patterns. I absolutely love, love, love them and would be crazy excited to win them. The scallops on the dress, the details on the skirts and the amazing western-style men's shirts are awesome. I don't know how you can part with them.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  16. Ooh! The patterns caught my eye. I have the pattern marker (Love it!) and my purses tend to be the kind you can pack the kitchen sink in! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  17. ahh, i absolutely feel you on the stress of too much stuff. having too much stuff, and the mess that comes with too much clutter in too small of a space to store it, makes me so anxious. i have also been going through my stuff & making piles to giveaway. it can be draining & frustrating (i do love my stuff! but it's just stuff!) but it feels sooo good to clear stuff out. especially when you know you are giving someone something they will use & love :)

    anyway, i love your giveaway :) i would like to put in a request for the patterns. i love the dresses & skirts, and the men's western shirt is amazing - i have a pattern for a women's western shirt i'm getting ready to make up, but i've love to make a dude one too. so we can match :) who is we? idk yet, ask me again when i have a boyfriend! lol!

  18. Golly... I know that feeling of being overwhelmed by stuff all too well! Lately my husband and I have been slowly going through some of the "stashes" of things that came with us when we moved here, and evaluating whether they are worth hanging on to. It's amazing how much we've been able to clear out--even my fabric stash was whittled down a bit! :) I actually do enjoy the process of weeding out things; it's fun (I just have to be careful not to go overboard; I've been known to get rid of too much--and regret it later on!).

    I'm going to enter for the lovely purse. I was just looking through my fall and winter handbags the other day and thinking I needed some colors (I seem to have all black!), and that would go lovely with some of my favorite winter outfits. ;)

    Hope life settles down a bit for you soon--sending you lots of well wishes!

  19. Hey Gina, glad to hear that de-cluttering has made you happier. I must make time to do it myself. Having said that though, I'd love to enter for the sewing patterns please...they are gorgeous and my size too ;o) sklipikish[at]hotmail[dot]com

  20. Pick a door, any door, they are all great! Can I enter for all of them? If not, then door number 1.

  21. oh i love those patterns! They look amazing, especially because they're vintage...I hope your clean up has gone well (:
    Rachel at

  22. Congrats on the cleanout! I can definitely relate, I think I'm in the need for one, too...

    You didn't mention if the giveaway was open for everyone, but if it is, I'd like to enter for the patterns. I don't have any vintage ones yet and the scalloped dress is absolutely adorable... :)

  23. I would love to be entered for prize number 1. I just finished a dress (retro 1952) Butterick 4790 with green palm trees that it would look perfect with!

    My email is:

  24. The patterns are my favorite...they are adorable. Also, just wanted to say that I've been purging my closets lately too. It's been long over-due.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Gonna go for door #2 pls! :)

  27. I LOVE door number 3! I adore this blog by the way! Check out mine if you get a chance... (it has my email link on my profile)

  28. Ooh if this is open internationally I would love to enter for the patterns. Just my size - or will again be post-pregnancy with any luck! Thank you! xx

  29. What a generous giveaway Gina. I can totally understand the story behind it, glad you're feeling better after your purge! I'd love to go for number two please, I've wanted one of those dart making things for ages! Thanks. x

  30. I need to clean out my house too!!!! But, I can't say no to those patterns! I'd love to make them!

  31. I would like number 3, the patterns, I do especially like the wide skirt!

  32. Oh, that Tack-It would be devine to add to my sewing tools. Thanks for the giveaway!!


  33. How generous of you :) Unburdening can definitely be relaxing LOL
    I love number 3- those mens shirts are very cool :)

    spinneretta (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. I just love your blogg has inspired me to do my own, cleaning and giving up stuff is always good for the sewing soul ha ha ha!! even better when some one else gets to keep loving and cherishing this awesome little treasures you have.

    I love everything and will be happy if I get to win something.

    thanks for sharing !!
    Have fabric dreams and sewing pattern wishes!!

  35. i choose door number three as well!!!
    i have a tack it already and it is AMAZING! it'll be a lucky winner who gets that!
    i've been dreaming of simplicity 4884 for ages now and have just gotten into sewing western shirts for my handsome beau! what a fantastic give away!

  36. Giveaway #3 I have a passion for sewing and i dont have any vintage sewing patterns and vintage is what I live for! :)

  37. I love the patterns in no. 3 esp the poofy circle skirt!

  38. Oh wow, what generous giveaways- should this be open internationally please could you enter me for number two, the amazing marking tool. I'm sure it would be much used! :-)
    Thank you

  39. Wow! Well, of course the pattern marker looks amazing - how handy would that be for transferring darts, etc...and I also love those patterns! I have to say 2 and 3 are may favorites ; )
    I especially love that little dress!

  40. I feel like a loser cause I dont have a snazzy blogging picture on the side, but i LOVE vintage blogs, and yours is lovely!

    Well lets see... I can't decide between 1 and 3, GAH! Ok 3...wait! Ok yeah, 3.


  41. Wow! I love to clean, I understand you, if I choose door # 1, I'm dying for that bag and vintage shops where I live. All my good wishes to you and your family.

  42. How very Zen. I have a friend who everytime she bought something new into the house she gave something away.
    I love door 3, the skirts are amazing.

  43. I would be happy to win any of those things! The bird skirt makes me smile the most, though. :)

  44. Thanks for your generosity - I would love to win door no. 2 - I love vintage tools!

  45. This giveaway is open world wide! Thanks good luck!

  46. I would absolutely love the patterns, they are so gorgeous, I love vintage and I have the perfect patterned rayon for that 40's dress!! So door #3!! Good luck with your clear out, I know myself it is so easy to get attached to stuff and then find yourself drowning in it! It must be such a relief for you!

  47. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! Giving away things can be double fun - relief from decluttering and happiness when the things go to people who are excited. I'm definitely interested in the patterns. Just my size!

  48. I would love #3 :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. Being new to your site and new to blogging in general, I just want to say I know there is joy in giving your stuff away, once you resolve to depart with the stuff you had been holding on to for so long for one reason or another. This is something I should do with the gazillion yards of fabric I have accumulated over the last 30 years. I started out sewing for joy as a young person then moonlighted for many years in the wee hours of the morning raising an only child on my own. I haven't sewn for 5 years now amd found some interesting sewing blogs online recently, quite by accident really, and have found a new spirit of enthusiam for sewing brewing... I am tired of paying good money for junk clothes that are ill fitted. And I'm talking designer name junk. These designers these days are doing none of us a service by outsourcing the production and assembly lines they put their names behind. Anyway, before I get too distracted, I'd like to throw my name in your hat for the pattern prize. And I will aim to follow suit with a fabric give-away within the next few weeks as I have been in the process of dealing with fabric and sewing room overload. By the way, these patterns would be used to make some dresses for my mom. She turns eighty in a few months and I want to have a half a dozen dresses for her, kind of like a blast from the past. Well, thank you for your consideration, take care!

  50. I love no. 3. It is the essence of 40's simple elegance.

  51. OMG! Do I have a LOT to learn about blogging. Didn't mean to write a book earlier, I'm so sorry. Would really love to win the pattern prize however. This would make a sweet wardrobe for my 80 yr old mom who still likes to dress up! Thanks for listening :)

  52. I would love to sew the dress with the scallop neckline. It is beautiful!

    I should say I'm interested in give-away #3

    But I also love the green purse, give-away #1.

    Thanks for the give-aways. You have beautiful taste!

  53. Oh goodness, definitely the patterns! They are just lovely, I adore the scalloping on the dress. And in my size too...

    I know exactly how you feel, sometime you just have to purge all of the flotsam that life accumulates, even if it was important to you at one point in time. I just sorted through my closet, and I couldn't believe some of the odds and bobs I found.

  54. I'm having a hard time choosing! Both #2 & #3 are awesome giveaways! But considering the number of vintage patterns currently in my possession that haven't been made up yet, I think the "Tack it" pattern marker is so fantastic!

    Yes, I've convinced myself that #2 is for me!!

  55. Gorgeous patterns! Count me in ;)

    Cleaning out stuff can do wonders for your mood, I've done it a few times when moving house, but now I've lived a while in the same flat and things are starting to pile up again...time for a clean out over here too?

  56. The patterns! The 1940's dress's look amazing! Love the men's western style shirts too!

  57. What a great giveaway - sure to appeal to many. I just wanted to let you know that I thought of you the other day. My hubby and I went out for dinner at a sports bar and there was a lovely couple there anjoying dinner. The lady was all dressed up in a floral, vintage style dress and even had a straw sun hat on. I thought she looked beautiful and knew you would appreciate knowing there are others who love to wear vintage out in public (and pull it off well).

    And if you want to include me on the giveaway, I will say the purse. I only own one and I have had it forever. It is in dire need of replacement . . .

  58. I'm really digging those patterns in number 3! Hopefully I'm picked!


    (^ Just replace the [at] (@) and [dot] (.))

  59. Oh man do I love love love door #3! Your patterns would have a loving home with the rest of my vintage patterns. Thanks for considering me.
    Kristy L.

  60. #3! I want the patterns, I am a 36 bust and it's so hard to find patterns that are not too small...

  61. Love love love those patterns! Wow! That scallop detail on the neckline of the dress... the panel detail on the full skirt... Gorgeous!

    Thanks so much for the chance to be in to win. :-) (And well done on the clean out - something I've been meaning to do for far too long. Your post is inspiring me to get started. :-)

    macska at gmail dot com

  62. I love the scallops on that dress, and the circle skirt pattern, it would be wonderful to win!

    I am glad clearing stuff out makes you feel better, there is nothing I enjoy more than a good declutter!

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. I love the patterns (no 3)! My size, too! :)
    If this giveaway is open to international readers, please count me in!
    My email address is bubbykhaidurova[at]hotmail[dot]com

  65. I love the patterns! I enjoy your blog.


  66. I love the patterns. Thanks!
    I really enjoy your blog!

  67. I'd go for #2, I think, though those patterns are lovely. I have just gotten a few nice patterns in recent runs, so I'll exercise some restraint, *and* up my chances in a drawing by going with the less popular #2. ;)

    I think I may join you on your giveaway plans, Gina, as I need to go through my stuff and get rid of things throughout the house. Having sewn some well-fitted pieces, I now realize how poorly everything else fits. I'll see if I can't come up with some good giveaways by the end of summer. ;) sneakfuzz at hotmail dot com

  68. Door #2 please, I've been looking for one of those forever! And congrats on the clearing - it's a never ending process for me but someday I'll get there.....

  69. i love the patterns! especially the skirt with the bird appliques!!

  70. Hi I love your blog and find you very inspirational. Thank you for this oppurtunity I would love Giveaway no 3 the I been looking for a dress pattern just like this with the scalloped detail. I am willing to pay for the postage as Im in oz.
    Lee Anne (

  71. I'd love to have the tack it in giveaway #2.



  72. Love the vintage patterns-#3!


  73. Wow! Sounds like you've been having a serious life-laundry! I LOVE hearing about people going through these, such a release! I really hope your stream-lined life continues to benefit you.

    You are very generous to give away these things. Could you please count me in for giveaway #3? I try to have giveaways on my blog too, so if I win yours I'll reciprocate and giveaway three things myself.

    You are such an inspirational seamstress, I hope the extra space you now have spurs you on even more to make fantastic creations for the rest of us to drool over!

    Zoe xxx

  74. I've been cleaning out, too, so really I shouldn't enter, but I love the dress pattern! (#3)

  75. I'm sure it's been hard sorting all your things out, I need to do that myself, but keep putting it off.
    Great giveaway, I hope you post to the UK, I'd love the patterns No 3.

  76. I love the patterns but not sure I'm eligible as I'm in Australia. Love your site though.

  77. Oh..that is so nice of you.. So proud you are enjoying your new found happiness. and thankyou for sharing.
    I love the dress pattern. SO pretty.. I love to sew and this is just beautiful.. thankyou so much.Judy

  78. I wonder if this wonderful giveaway is open to international residents, for I'm Italian. I wish so ^^
    Also, I just found you and I'm a new follower.

  79. Ooops, I forgot...If I could I would choose the purse! It's wonderful!

  80. Wow, the purse is amazing, I LOVE the colour!! If I'm so lucky my email address is xx

  81. I too am in the midst of an all out decluttering of our home! Some days I wonder if I'll get through it all. Honestly they would all be wonderful, but door #3 would be my first choice.
