
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Strawberry Jam and a hair cut

I just follow the recipe in this box! It's delicious!

Every year I make strawberry Jam. It's wonderful on ice cream and angel food cake. I always feel all vintage when canning! There's just something about putting on an apron and working in a kitchen that feels good to my heart.

Since going down the rabbit hole these last few weeks, many little adventures have come my way.  A new haircut, working on losing weight again, cleaning up and remodeling our 100 year old home.
This is a 80's hair cut. I am not sure that I love it but, I can hot roller my hair and it stays for a while.

New hardwood floors are being put in soon!
We pulled the walls out in our family room and found there was no insulation.  It had always been cold in there, now we know why. So we got busy with fixing that. Crazy! 

Friends, my grandfather died this week. He was a wonderful man. I will be having family stay with us next week for his funeral. So, I promise that after my house is in order again that I will be sewing up a storm, I do MISS it so much! 

Well, tomorrow is the last day for the giveaway entry. It's opened worldwide! Good luck and have a great vintage day!


  1. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Hope you jam and other projects go well!

  2. So sorry about your grandfather - best wishes to you and your family for the funeral.

    Good luck doing up the house and all - your hair looks fab and really pretty. I hope you are soon able to get sewing again, and feel peaceful. Lots of love, xxx

  3. You need to loose weight?! I don't believe it! I've been thinking how thin and trim you look : )

    I love canning too - it's the epitome of domestic bliss. Seeing all the jars lined up and waiting for winter makes my heart glad ; )

  4. feel greatly for what your grandfather, they are always a source of wisdom and gratification, my heart is with you. I hope you are recovered quickly back to enjoy your cherished posts.

  5. I'm so sorry to her about your grandfather. Warm thoughts to you and your family.

    I LOVE homemade jam! I ate both homemade strawberry and cloudberry jam when I was at vacation at my parents place earlier in July. If I ever move out of the city I'll pick up jam making for sure! :)

  6. Gina, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. May the peace of God fall on you.

    I have really been wanted to learn to can. My Baba (grandma) makes the best tomato juice from all the veggies in her garden. I've started four small tomato plants and am hoping to have enough to can some tomato juice this fall. It would be fun to learn jams and preserves too!

  7. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your grandfather. I pray that the Lord will give you and your family strength during your time of loss.

    Now, onto more pleasant things . . . I wasn't aware that you did canning, since you talk SO much about sewing. I think that's great! Maybe one day I'll learn how to do this too. It must be nice to have your own jam. I LOVE jam on toast! It's my favorite breakfast! :)

    I had to smile when you mentioned that you want to work on loosing weight, again. Yeah, I go through that "vicious cycle" too. Of course, now I have back and neck pain, so I can't exercise even if I wanted to. So I have to wait to heal. In the meantime, my thighs continue to grow into the shape of bowling bins, ugh! :(

    Okay, this post is getting way too long. Have fun re-decorating parts of your home. Be sure to show us pictures when you're all done. :)

  8. I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather Gina, it sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate at the moment. Don't worry though, sewing it still there waiting for you, just come back to it when you're good and ready. I'm loving your new hair by the way ;o)

  9. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather passing, Gina. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. *hugs*

    It's so neat that you can! I dream of one day being able to learn how to can (I keep getting books out the of the library, but where all these canned goods will be stored in our small apartment, I have no idea! lol.). It's one of those "vintage" skills I really want to pick up!

  10. Sorry about your loss and look forward to your sewing again and happier times.

  11. Sorry to hear about your Grandfather, it sound like you have some wonderful memories to cherish and honor him by, prayers to you and your family at this time.

    You sound like you have a lot on your plate (appropriate first photo!) with family and coming and renovating, and preserving. I'm amazed you're working sewing time into your schedule. But it can be a nice relaxing escape too. You have the right idea!

  12. Really sorry about your grandfather passing away, my thoughts are with you xxx
