
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mail order blouse and Ginger

What can I say about this outfit? It's a bit of a surprise to me, as I didn't expect this project to fall into place, but I love it.  The blouse came from an unmarked, mail order, dress pattern. Last year I started making the dress, but the skirt didn't seem to fit or line up with the bodice. I thought of grading it (truing) and did, but there were other issues. So after many attempts at making the dress, it was thrown into the UFO pile.  I finally got back to it and decided to draft a new bodice using parts of the pattern. I am not a fan of the edge stitched pleats included on the original bodice, although edge stitched pleat look pretty on the ironing board, they did nothing for my waistline. Anyway, after a year of sitting in a basket this UFO is solved! I really like the added trim for fun. And of course I paired it with yet another ginger skirt in  cherry red. The ginger has become a staple in my wardrobe. I have to say, I enjoy them plain, out of the box, but I think I am ready for some pockets or piping next time.

Pattern:  Blouse- it's a Sew-Rite 8251 and Ginger by Colette Patterns for the skirt

Fabric:  Blouse- Cotton, vintage buttons, skirt-gabardine

Make Again?  Yes, I would like the blouse in many colors mostly because I can move in it very well, no tight arms, hooray!

Alterations:  Of course.  The blouse is a 32 bust, which is perfect for my shoulders, but my hip line needs added inches. With the Ginger I have decided that I need to make them a bit smaller in the waistline. I have been cutting the size 8 and it's about two inches too big. So I'll be working on that for the next time.

Have a wonderful vintage day,



  1. That blouse is gorgeous! You suit these bold/primary colours so well!
    Nice job!

  2. I really, really like this blouse! Every looks so coordinated with your jewelry, purse, and shoes. What a perfect outfit, for what looks like a perfect day.

  3. What a perfect outfit! I love the picture of you in front of the green wall--the colors look fantastic.

  4. What a totally awesome outfit!!! That blouse is incredible and I'm trying to subdue waves of jealously right now!!! xxx

  5. Oh, and BTW, congrats on mustering up the motivation to go back to a previous disappointment. This is very inspiring for anyone who has a pile of those projects sitting in the corner. Your new header looks really nice too xx

  6. Love it! The blouse is lovely and all the red makes for an awesome outfit. :)

  7. Oh, I love it! It's so colorful & cheerful :D

  8. That is a beautiful blouse! The details are really lovely!

  9. I love, love, love this outfit! Your blouse fabric is perfect in every way and it works so well with your Beautiful Ginger!!!

  10. This is fabulous! A perfectly pulled together outfit for a spring day! :]

  11. I've had projects that went like this, but I'm glad you finished this, it makes a beautiful top!

  12. Wow! Love everything about it! The red trim *pops* - so pretty against the print!

  13. Gina, the skirt is very pretty and that blouse is a treasure! I want one just like it! You did a lovely job on this outfit- it is unique and gorgeous. Can I just say again that I love that blouse? It's perfect!

  14. I love it! IT is so cute :) The whole ensemble looks very flattering on you.

  15. Such a cute combination. I love both together and they look great on you!

  16. I love everything about this and if I saw it in a shop I would buy it right away! It has a little western with the trim yet a fun feeling.also super flattering on your tiny waist.

  17. I adore every single thing about your outfit! That vintage fabric was an awesome find.

  18. This blouse is beautiful.. What can we say about the ginger/perfect skirt pattern!! Fantastic outfit.. Happy sewing

  19. So cute! Love the fabric too - Also a quick note to let you know that I've nominated you for a blog award! No need to participate but you can check out my blog if you're interested! :)

  20. I love it! the trim is perfect. :)
