
Monday, March 19, 2012

Vintage finds

What a great weekend! Sunny, good food, and a happy family. A little vintage shopping was the order of the day on Saturday. Lately,  I've been on the search for accessories. I told myself no more purses, but this one reminded me of Lucy, so I had to take it home. I am cutting down, I promise. I love the black and white color combo.
 I also scored with some great shoe clips, I haven't seen them around much, so I thought they would be fun to add to my otherwise boring shoe collection. Yes, I am working on finding shoes.
 Also among the vintage finds, pins and brooches have been on my radar. I bought a cherry pin too that I am working on, more on that later.

 And last, but not least a vintage, yellow sweater. It really is a bright yellow, but the camera didn't pick up the true color. I already worn it yesterday, paired with my green, Ginger skirt while out for some pizza.  I have been wanting to dive into the deep end of the vintage pool.  I am finding that so many people know how to accessorize, it's kinda a art in some ways. It also reminds me that the devil is in the details, and those details make such a difference.  Adding jewelry, a handbag or a sweater can transform  a nice vintage outfit to a great one, I find. What is your favorite accessory to add to your vintage outfits?



  1. Wow, these are really special! I like brooches.

  2. I know what you mean when it comes to vintage accessories. I am not good at doing this part. I don't have any bags as you do and my shoes I just bought recently when I started sewing so I have only four pair of them but I'm not a shoe person so they work for me. Do you read the blog Vintage Vixen? Now that girl loves to wear hats and always has the proper vintage hat, shoes, and bag. She is a talent and a real cute girl to boot in which hats look darling on her, on me not so good.

  3. Gina, these are some very lovely accessories! I do love that purse, it surely was worth getting even if you are trying to hold back on buying purses. I admit that I pretty much never accessorize, unless you count shoes. I don't have many, but each and every pair I own is fabulous, and they all go well with a pretty dress (vintage or not).

  4. Gina,
    What a beautiful yellow sweather and the pin on it..beautiful!!!
    SO proud you got the definitely reminds me of Lucy too. It will be great
    with your vintage dresses..
    Proud you had a fun weekend and found all these goodies..

  5. Oh Gina, Your finds are wonderful! That pale yellow sweater and pin are divine! Sam xox
